Sunset. Sunrise. Sunshine.

Anymore proof for the divine!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Now we all love Lady Gaga , dont we??
And if not for her music, let us all broaden the horizons of our mindset and simply love her for the determination that she takes to not be ignored EVER!

Ok I started off with Gaga because I am listening to Alejandro, vaguely waiting for the writing bugs to bite me.. And then I am reminded of Neruda's 'Fleas interest me so much'!

Speaking of Neruda, if you simply want to relive the magic of love, do feast your eyes on some Nerud-esque love poems.. whether you are single or not! Even set a line for my friends on Facebook as my status, simply because (apart from that being quasi-trendy) I loved the dearth of pain and reality and the magnitude of simplicity in it..

"Love is so short, forgetting is so long"

Don't some of us so arrogantly speak of our resilience from a break up,as if none of this could ever affect the equilibrium of our world at all, yet in the same breath we gear up for bitterness and another adventure to avenge the previous failure and to supposedly relinquish the loneliness and void in our lives. Of course to not forget, the sideline activity of throwing the flak at the phenomenon for putrefying the very essence of humanity - happiness..

And that one line from Pablo Neruda was all that took to make me feel so small.

I once remember telling my friend, that I simply dont want to fall in love because I hate the stupidity that it instills in me.

Am I right? Time will tell.

But the suspended question that is pulling my head down is: " How long are you going to stay intelligent?"
Not forever of course, not this way..

If thinking is the logic behind evolution, feeling is the logic behind life..
And to feel one must possess the heart and the guts to open.. to try.. to love ..{A fact I always knew, but never applied}

I am at least glad that I do not know of any Anna Kareninas or Madame Bovarys personally myself, and I would like to believe that nobody is going to squander and die all for the sake of love ,making it , oh such a vice! And if there are souls like that still lingering around and are on the verge of getting themselves vaporised, I want to tell them : "Pal, its just fiction. Wake up!"

A few verses I penned today, dedicated to the emotion that has filled the bowls of curiosity and imagination of man since time immemorial. Might not make sense, but to each his {in this case her} poetry:

To watch her away
As once she belonged.

To be separated from her
As once she was the self.

To know another was thought of
As once she laughed with the self.

Between a few forced words
Hung sheets of silence
Rippling with doubts
Screaming of pride.

Untouched tenderness
Longing to never exist
In such winds unseen.

If this was a worser place
There wouldn't have been fullstops.

To share what is sacred
To feast on whats left behind.

The arrogance for one thing
You were sure about.

To shrink one's life
Its intents and contents
To this and maybe a little
More grams..

Love is the only pure impurity
Suspended on the dead man's ankles,
To suck him into the
Abyss of requiems.

I told a child..

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