Sunset. Sunrise. Sunshine.

Anymore proof for the divine!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Moon Man

Brown liquid
In the marred moon's heart,
Black vision
In aeons of nebulas.
In stupor 
He sees.
Sometimes vague, sometimes paralysed,
Sometimes marooned, sometimes jaded.
Yet a smile visits
A tender kind soul like his,
That could light up 
A thousand Christmas trees,
When his Venus arrives,
On the same nebula
Where he was
An insomniac,
Dreaming of what could have been.
This small marred
Marooned Moon of mine,
Oh such love that brought
Heaven nearer from the horizons,
And when the tides rose higher
To wash his spirit down,
The jealous sea
As blue as the Venus
He ached for,
He just inflated
Bigger and mightier
Fighting with the cruel Neptune
As hard as it could be,
With nothing
But a smile and a heart,
Even the lion couldn't help
Bringing in.
So this is for my moon
My loony moon,
Who looks bereaved 
Yet has arrived,
And conquered the whole paradise
Silent and small, he still sat!

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